BC Valley Gas by Dunn Cannabis




After picking up the jar, I had a feeling right away that BC Valley Gas was going to be good.

The branding is simple and effective, the jar is the perfect size, and the nice thud on the side of jar from the bud hinted at what I’d find inside.

As the name of this offering hints, Abbotsford-based Dunn Cannabis is located in BC’s Fraser Valley.

The lid came off smoothly and the seal was tight. Still, some of the gassy, fruity smell was getting through already.

The THC is at 22.3%, with terpenes listed on the jar at 2.78%—especially high in Farnesene, Trans-Caryophyllene, and Limonene. There’s a Boost pack in the jar.

Buds are dense, moist, and very glittery. One chunky bud weighed in at nearly 2.5 grams. The buds are deep green hues.

It burned light grey. I could take big pulls and it was still smooth. It got me coughing at the end.


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